She’s Chinese. He’s Greek/ Irish. If we were dumplings, I would be a harkow, he would be a koulakli. How would these dumplings exemplify our personalities, you might ask? Well, the harkow with its pink shrimp filling and delicate crystalline skin perfectly embodies my small stature and my supple asian nature. Meanwhile, the koulakli with its generous minced-meat filling, served with cool, yet spicy yogurt sauce illustrates my roommate’s hearty nature and piquant humor. Together, we live in perfect hilarity during some stressful years in our medical education.
Friends, before we begin, I would like any commentators to maintain our anonymity at least until after MATCH.
The characters in our home includes chickenlittle, guailo, hambone and occasional appearances by matzoballer. chickenlittle is the harkow in this pu pu platter, guailo, the koulakli. Hambone visits often and chickenlittle wishes that she would stay forever.
Welcome to pupuplattered!
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