Go into one of those Chinese take-out places and look at the menu. What, you may ask, is the happy family?! Literally translated from its Chinese name, this dish insinuates a harmonious mingling of many vegetables and meats of various domestic animals. Delicious? Uhhh, perhaps.
One thing I DO know is that the Family Dinner is the most delicious meal of the week! To be clear, this Family I speak of does not include a mother, a father and uh, forget it (inside joke). This family includes our lovely friends, friends who adopted me into their dinners and fun outings!
Let’s begin:
Hambone: the loveliest, warmest, ham you have ever met! She may rival me in my love for food! Impossible?! She is precious to our guailo and is (unofficially) our 3rd roommate.
Matzoballer: Our favorite house guest who brings the BEST comparisons of Judaic hair distribution and tales of Alaskan dog sled races. Never have I met such a sweety sweet-tooth!
Hotty cupcake: Boy does she make the best cupcakes EVER. Besides her superb baking skills, her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! I’m talking about some excellent booty shakin’! YEA!
Takoyasu: A.K.A. octopus balls. None other than my long-distance lover! The name says it all, no? These balls are everywhere at the same time. Unstoppable!
Maker’s Mark: Our fearless leader to the Derby! We shall follow your valiant campaigns anywhere, especially now that we know that you can rescue us from downed helicopters. Wow, our hero in shining scrubs!
Nugget: Beware, my delicious friend, for chickenlittle’s favorite dish is McD’s McNuggets! In all seriousness, we love nugget for her juicy personality and crispy humor. Ok, no no, honestly, nugget let’s us know she cares even when she’s usurped by the hospital… where oh, where is our beloved nugget?
Wasabi peas: Spicy on the outside. Sweeter and sweeter as you continue to chew. Wasabi Peas spices up any adventure!
Memphis Dry Rub: She’s got ALL the spices up in there. Hailing from Memphis, TN, her BBQ ribs are unparalleled. We can also refer to her as our “Ex-Squatter”. Yes, before she made it to fame in sunny California, she set-up shop in our living room. In the Time Before PuPu, Memphis Dry Rub was my roommate but that’s a whole different blog.
Stinky Tofu: The famous Ha-SU, her reputation precedes her – she is a smart-cracker, young whippersnapper, hot young doctor!
The list continues…
For now, let’s have a Story of the Day!
After a long hard day at the lab, all chickenlittle could think about was what she wanted for dinner. What can be more satisfying than some good old Chinese home-cookin?! After a little guidance, chickenlittle was excited that guailo will make the trip to the asian store to buy a LIVE FISH ALL BY HIMSELF! OK, well, he had Wasabi Peas with him and we all know what that means. Yeah, WP definitely kicked it up a notch.
Well, as Hambone bustled around the house, tidying everything in her path, chickenlittle waited and waited for her fish and her roommate to return. Lo and behold, guailo and wasabi peas bring home TWO of the largest tilapias to ever to be presented in her kitchen. What is a girl to do with such large fish? See for yourself, if you dare! Steamed and slathered with green onion and ginger sauces, these two fish were served with mapo tofu, curried okras and yuchoy. You might be wondering but no, I did not serve Happy Family.

But WAIT! What’s a meal without the most important part of all: dessert! Hambone makes a walnut chocolatey chocolate brownie that is a conundrum all on its own. How can a brownie be chewy yet fudgey, toasty yet oh-so-chocolatey at the same time?! We many never live to discover the secrets to Hambone’s brownie but thanks to Wasabi Peas’ expert brownie cutting skills, we were able to first enjoy the fudgiest innermost parts and then devour the crustier, toastier edges.
WOW, what a long entry. At this point, I must reflect that some of my little alias embellishments may be undesirable for some of you. Please let me know if you would like another name!